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Interface BlockFormat

Everything about how to layout a block.


  • BlockFormat



Optional block_aspect_ratio

block_aspect_ratio: undefined | number

Height divided by width.

Optional block_color

block_color: NotionColor

Optional block_full_width

block_full_width: undefined | false | true

Full viewport width.

Optional block_height

block_height: undefined | number

Optional block_locked

block_locked: undefined | false | true

Optional block_locked_by

block_locked_by: UUID

User ID.

Optional block_page_width

block_page_width: undefined | false | true

The same width as the parent page.

Optional block_preserve_scale

block_preserve_scale: undefined | false | true

Whether to force isotropic scaling.

Optional block_width

block_width: undefined | number

Optional bookmark_cover

bookmark_cover: PublicUrl

Cover URL of the bookmarked web page.

Optional bookmark_icon

bookmark_icon: PublicUrl

Icon URL of the bookmarked web page.

Optional code_wrap

code_wrap: undefined | false | true

Optional column_ratio

column_ratio: Proportion

Optional display_source

display_source: NotionSecureUrl | PublicUrl

Optional page_cover

Optional page_cover_position

page_cover_position: Proportion

Optional page_full_width

page_full_width: undefined | false | true

Optional page_icon

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